Description of each item in “Creation of New PassClip Code”

Describe each item to be set when creating PassClip Code.
★ is a required item.

【Basic settings】

Setting basic contents to create a PassClip Code and the slot generated by registration of the PassClip Code.

Service name
This is the service name displayed in the slot generated by entering the PassClip Code.
It is common to set the site name or the service name.

PassClip Code
Character string to enter on PassClip apps by users.
Please set an arbitrary character string according to the service.
You can not set a character string that is already used.
Lower case letters, upper case letters, numbers, the following symbols can be used.


In the Free Beta version, “nora” is automatically attached before entered character string.
Services with PassClip Code not having “nora” are coming soon.

【Password setting】

Type of Character 
Please select a character type from pull-down menu for the passwords displayed in the slots. They are「Numbers」,「Single-byte characters」,「Single-byte alphameric characters」and 「Single-byte alphameric characters and some symbols」.

Password Age
The passwords displayed in the slots are to change in certain period.
Please select the period from pull-down menu. They are 「30 sec」,「One month」and「One week」.

Login Protection
Check the checkbox in case you use the Login Protection. About Login Protection, please refer to this article .

Password Display Settings
Select the default password display settings from pull-down menu. They are 「Bingo Screen」and「General Screen」.

【User Management Settings】

Whitelist data 
Limit the user ID (e-mail address) which is allowed to create PassClip Code to generate slot to sign in to the website.
A user with an e-mail address that is not on the Whitelist cannot generate a slot even if he/she enters the PassClip Code.
Please enter the e-mail address of the user who is allowed to generate slots on the Whitelist.
To set multiple e-mail addresses, enter with “,” (comma) separator.

Blacklist data
Set the user ID (e-mail address) which is NOT allowed to create PassClip Code to generate slot to sign in to the website.
A user with an e-mail address on the Blacklist cannot generate a slot even if he/she enters the PassClip Code.
Please enter the e-mail addresses of the users to deny creation of PassClip Code to generate slot to sign in to the website.
To set multiple e-mail addresses, enter with “,” (comma) separator.

Advanced Setting【SLOT LOGIN Settings】

Settings to activate “SLOT LOGIN” that is the function to log in to website directly from the slot.
Set the URL of login destination, contents of authentication information, and transmission method.

Your site URL
Please enter the target login destination URL.
It is common to set the URL of the site login page.

Method to send parameters for authentication 
Set whether authentication parameters such as ID and password are transmitted in “GET Method” or “POST Method”.

Configure parameters for authentication 
When logging in, set the information that the target website uses as authentication parameters.
Please check the checkbox of the information you are using and set it.
Generally, ID and password are used at the minimum.
In case, other parameters are also used, press “Add a parameter” button and set it.
Multiple parameters can be set.

【Member Card settings】

Set the contents displayed when tapping Member Card button   in the slot.

Member Card URL
Please enter the URL of the page you want to display as the Member Card.

Method to send parameters for authentication 
Set whether to transmit authentication parameters in “GET Method” or “POST Method” when referring to authentication parameters at the time of displaying Member Card.

Configure parameters for authentication
Set information that the target site uses as authentication parameters, when displaying Member Card.
For example, to display individual contents for each user, please set parameter “Use User ID” as specified by the site.
It is not necessary to set it especially when displaying contents common to all users.
Also, if you select “Use Password as a parameter”, users need to enter “Pattern” when displaying Member Card.
To set parameters other than ID and password, press “Add a parameter” button and set it.

【Personal Information Sharing】

The function to send personal information registered by the user to PassClip is “Personal Information Sharing”.
If your service requires to register your personal information such as first and last name, address, phone number, etc. users can save time by using this function.
Prior to sending personal information from PassClip, a button asking for consent of the user will be displayed, and the consent is required.

Allow to share personal information 
Please check checkbox when you activate Personal Information Sharing.