I want to unsubscribe from “PassClip”
To delete a “PassClip” account and unsubscribe, please follow the procedure below to unsubscribe.
Procedure of unsubscription
1. Please visit the following page, enter an e-mail address registered in “PassClip” and send it to apply for unsubscription. Also, if at all possible, please let us know the reason for unsubscription of “PassClip”.
>Application for unsubscription
* When you press the “Send” button, it will take you to the page displaying the “Next” button, but please do not press the “Next” button yet. Please leave the page displaying the “Next” button open and proceed to the procedure of 2. below.
2. A confirmation e-mail will be sent to the e-mail address you entered on the “Application for unsubscription” page. Please access the URL in the confirmation e-mail and confirm the e-mail address.
3. When 2. (access to the designated URL) is completed, return to the 1.(Application of unsubscription) page and press the “Next” button. Procedure will be completed if message of unsubscription,”Your account has been deleted. ” is issued.
※ Only 2. (access to the URL in the confirmation e-mail) or only 1. (pressing the “Next” button of the page displayed after sending the registered e-mail address) will not complete unsubscription processing. Please proceed in this order as described above.
[Important Notice]
– Please set up to be able to receive e-mail from “noreply@passclip.com” in advance.
– When applying for unsubscription, please be sure to input the e-mail address registered in “PassClip” and send it.
– Please understand that it may take several days for completion of unsubscription.